Section 4: Bridge Beams

Anchor: #i1000410

Risks of Chemical Damage

Beams exhibit increased risks to corrosion due to cover reductions, high stress steel design, and concentrated chemical solution saturating end zones when joint seals are broken.

Anchor: #i1000421

Repair of Joint Systems

Maintenance personnel should repair and maintain joint systems ensuring the protection created by the sealed joint systems.

Chemical solution corrosion induced beam
damage created by failed joint and poor concrete cover over beam
ends. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i999146grtop

Figure 5-5. Chemical solution corrosion induced beam damage created by failed joint and poor concrete cover over beam ends.

Close up of Figure 5-5. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i999148grtop

Figure 5-6. Close up of Figure 5-5.

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