Section 5: Purchase of Parts

Anchor: #i1000107

Distributor Purchase

Distributor purchase is the appropriate method of purchase to obtain original equipment manufacturer (OEM) repair parts that are needed for immediate use. This method cannot be used to purchase labor or parts for stock. The parts must be purchased from an OEM dealer or distributor and put into use within approximately a week to 10 days of receipt. There is no limit on the dollar amount of a distributor purchase, but prior approval of PRO may be required. See Chapter 1, Section 5, Procurement Authorization, for limitations and Chapter 1, Section 6, Bidding Requirements of the Purchasing Manual. Reference the Purchasing Manual Chapter 1, General, Section 5 - Procurement Authorization; Chapter 2, Competitive Solicitation, Section 5 Bidder Selection - Distributor Purchases; Chapter 3, Distributor Purchases, Section 7 - Distributor Purchases.

Districts must include the equipment number(s) of the major equipment unit(s) for which the repair parts are being purchased in the accounting data on the APS PeopleSoft User Request.

Following are examples of the types of equipment for which OEM parts may be purchased using the distributor method:

Anchor: #i1000157

Purchasing Used Repair Parts

When immediate repairs are needed and new parts are not readily available, districts may purchase used repair parts under small purchase or emergency authority (as appropriate). The file must be thoroughly documented to indicate the reason used parts are purchased. Reference the Purchasing Manual, Chapter 4, Specific Purchasing Procedures, Section 7 - Repair Parts.

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