Section 3: Major Equipment

Anchor: #i1000025


Major equipment is defined in the Property Management Manual.

Anchor: #i1000036


Major equipment is funded from the capital equipment budget. Major equipment shall not be purchased using overhead, minor equipment, or any account other than those designated for major equipment. Emergency purchases are not allowed for acquiring major equipment.

Snow plows and other expensive equipment for rapidly moving large amounts of snow should only be considered for areas that experience frequent snowstorms.

Selected items of major equipment are available on term contract. Major equipment is purchased by PRO for all of TxDOT. Fleet Operations Division manages the fleet.

NOTE: Used snow plows can be transferred to districts with less frequent winter weather events in lieu of purchasing new equipment. Contact Fleet Operations Division at (512) 374-5477.

Anchor: #i1000062


All major equipment specifications are developed and maintained by PRO and are available at the PRO Intranet (Purchasing) site: http://crossroads/org/gsd/PRO/default.htm. Fleet staff should draft specifications when there are no TxDOT standard specifications available. Contact the Fleet Manager for assistance.

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