Section 3: Bridge Joints

Anchor: #i1000374

Risks of Chemical Damage

Joints are positions in the deck which allow thermal contraction and expansion to occur. If joints are not maintained then runoff will fall through joints. Typically, snow melt runoff is concentrated on the low side of the structure. Snow melt is particularly brutal because it is laced with chemical agents concentrated in one area and flows for extended periods of time (length of meltdown). This combination of concentrated flow combined with corrosive agents subjected to extended exposure allows for corrosion damage to initiate and progress.

Anchor: #i1000385

Bridge Joint Inspection and Cleaning

TxDOT prefers bridge joint inspection and cleaning to be performed in the spring and re-inspection to occur prior to the beginning of snow season. This fulfills the annual bridge inspection criteria in accordance with the Maintenance Operations Manual

Poorly maintained joint allowed concentrated
de-icer solution to damage cap. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i999132grtop

Figure 5-3. Poorly maintained joint allowed concentrated de-icer solution to damage cap.

Poorly maintained joint allowed de-icer
solution to damage overhang to second mat of steel and top plate
steel on beam. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i999134grtop

Figure 5-4. Poorly maintained joint allowed de-icer solution to damage overhang to second mat of steel and top plate steel on beam.

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