Chapter 5: Agreements, Permits and Reports

Anchor: #i1002078

Section 1: Overview

Anchor: #i1002083


This chapter identifies the following special reports and permits that can apply to maintenance offices:

    Anchor: #DTVGKIUR
  • Municipal Maintenance Agreements—This section explains the process of entering into agreements with each incorporated city for authority to construct, reconstruct, maintain control, supervise and regulate the designated highways within the city's limits and to establish the responsibilities of the department and the city.
  • Anchor: #GRFNPWHI
  • Personal Injury and Property Damage Claims—The two categories of claims and guidelines for handling them are explained in this section.
  • Anchor: #AQERDSEP
  • River Water Use Certification—This section explains requirements for reporting the use of public waters by the department.
  • Anchor: #JYNWOOAP
  • Wetlands/Streambed Permits—This section identifies permits that are required for work performed on streambeds and/or wetlands.
  • Anchor: #IPAKTGIX
  • Storm Water Management—This section covers policies for maintaining water quality through runoff control.
  • Anchor: #LBULLHLC
  • Major Accident or Unusual Incident Reporting—This section covers the requirements for reporting major accidents or unusual incidents.
  • Anchor: #VTYQTVDB
  • Highway Condition Reporting System (HCRS)—This section describes system that is used to report highway conditions.
  • Anchor: #FDRUEJHU
  • Storage Site Agreements—This section describes the procedure for leasing storage facilities.
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