Anchor: #i1005201

Section 2: Routine Maintenance Contracts

Anchor: #i1005206

When to Use Routine Maintenance Contracts (RMC)

Section 223.001 of the Texas Transportation Code requires that all contracts proposed by the department for the improvement of a highway on the state highway system should be submitted for competitive bids. The definition of “highway improvements” includes construction, reconstruction, and maintenance.

Anchor: #i1005216

Use of the Construction and Maintenance Contracting System (CMCS)

Similar to the way the Design and Construction Information System (DCIS) is used to set up and build proposals for construction projects, CMCS facilitates the routine maintenance contracting process. The district develops and prepares routine maintenance project proposals and inputs the required information into CMCS.

Anchor: #i1005228

District Let Contracts

The district engineer has the authority to let, award or reject, and execute contracts with an engineer's estimate under $300,000. This authority may not be delegated further.

Anchor: #i1005241

State Let Contracts

Projects with an engineer's estimate of $300,000 or more are included in the monthly statewide letting with the construction projects. These projects should be submitted to the Maintenance Division for processing for letting. The State let contracts are awarded or rejected by the Texas Transportation Commission and executed by the Maintenance Division Director.

Anchor: #i1005299

Contract Administration

Refer to the Maintenance Contract Manual for information on pre- and post-award activities and administering the contract.

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