Anchor: #i1001986

Section 3: Maintenance Plans

Anchor: #i1001991

Developing a Maintenance Plan

One of the most important items in maintenance management is developing a good plan to guide operations within the district. Districts should develop long range strategies and one-year maintenance work plans to implement those strategies. The one-year plan should be developed after the respective district maintenance budget has been determined. The plan should be a result of analyzing historical quantities of work performed and the resulting level of service.

Information on quantities of work may be found in the Maintenance Management System (MMS) reports. Levels of service information can be found from the Pavement Management Information System (PMIS) or the Texas Maintenance Assessment Program reports.

Anchor: #i1002009

Plan Format

The format of the plan can be tailored to fit the district; however, the following items should be considered:

    Anchor: #HWYCEEDT
  • Construction—No major maintenance should be planned on sections of roads programmed for construction or reconstruction.
  • Anchor: #CLOOMIDV
  • Rehabilitation or Resurfacing—Maintenance needed to prepare roads scheduled for rehabilitation and/or preventive maintenance should be determined and planned. Work such as base repairs, milling and inlay, edge repairs and blade level ups should be performed in advance to insure proper curing and performance analysis before resurfacing.
  • Anchor: #YPHBAXCI
  • Special Priority Items—Items that have been given special priority or emphasis by the Administration, Division or District should be planned. Examples include:
  • Anchor: #NKBCFRJE
  • Labor Intensive Activities—These activities should be analyzed to determine if more cost effective measures can be performed. For example, a road that has a large amount of edge raveling or failures should be patched and then edge sealed. The edge seal is a preventive measure that will reduce future labor intensive patching.
  • Anchor: #MUWUEPDG
  • Section Plans—The maintenance plan should start at the maintenance section level and then can be compiled to determine the district plan.

The maintenance plan is developed in the Maintenance Management System (MMS) using the Plan Matrix window. The maintenance plan should be constrained by available resources including budget and staff. Work is planned by planning activity, which is a grouping of related maintenance function codes. The plan should include state force and contracted work.

Performance guidelines have been developed to assist with constraint of the plan and define the typical resource (labor, equipment, and material) requirements and costs associated with maintenance activities. They provide estimated costs and duration for resources for an activity. These guidelines can then be used later to compare actual performance with estimated performance for each activity. They may also be used to estimate resource requirements for budgeting. Performance Guidelines can be defined at the state, district or maintenance section level and should be reviewed annually at the beginning of the planning cycle. Contractor costs for various activities are also available in the system.

The plan Matrix window may be used as an interactive leveling tool to ensure the quantity of work scheduled across various activities in your plan does not exceed the FTE (full-time equivalent) resources that will be available to execute it.

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