Anchor: #i1010332

Section 5: Emergency Planning Roles and Responsibilities

Anchor: #i1010368

District and Division Responsibilities

During emergencies and disasters, various personnel throughout TxDOT have different responsibilities for the mitigation, response and recovery. This section delineates some of the necessary responsibilities that each position holds.

Anchor: #i1010425

Maintenance Section

Each maintenance section should have emergency preparedness plans in place. These plans should include:

Anchor: #i1011347

District Maintenance Management

    Anchor: #PFQRWVRW
  • Provide charge information. Projects will be created in the Maintenance Management System (MMS) and a unique task number will be generated by the system.
      Anchor: #GITQFNYE
    • Districts must track all applicable work done to mitigate the damages from eligible disasters by assigning task numbers to either a specific type of work, a specific location or to a specific county for countywide damages and by using the correct charge information.
    • Anchor: #CODETAVY
    • For statewide disasters, the Maintenance Division will create the project in the MMS project and disseminate the task number to ensure consistency across district borders.
  • Anchor: #YYNKECDP
  • Manage mobilization of emergency response crews. Districts may be called upon to mobilize forces to another district. District maintenance administration must ensure:
      Anchor: #FOPGNAQN
    • Logistics support (food, water, fuel, lodging, etc.) of mobilized forces is made available at the receiving district
    • Anchor: #BNVCMPCT
    • Correct charge information (MMS project(s), MMS work orders, task numbers, districts, county, etc.)
    • Anchor: #OTHQONFJ
    • Coordination with the TxDOT Emergency Operations Center (when activated)
    • Anchor: #LQNWWFCE
    • Employee compliance with safety policies
    • Anchor: #QSSJLEMW
    • Equipment is interchangeable with inter-district equipment (equipment interoperability)
    • Anchor: #RVQINTYJ
    • Ability to communicate with inter-district personnel (communications interoperability)
    • Anchor: #VRIVTETL
    • Hurricane Response Reentry Plan has been reviewed and district is aware of its function as a support district, responding district or staging district. Plan can be found on the MNT Emergency Management website.
  • Anchor: #FQEVSSQS
  • Ensure the TxDOT EOC website is updated. As requested, update survey or other information on the TxDOT EOC website on the MNT Crossroads page under EOC procedures.
  • Anchor: #RAJIJFEI
  • Ensure the district EOC is manned and operated. Districts may find it beneficial to open a district emergency operations center based on the disaster's impact or duration. District maintenance office personnel are responsible for the planning and operation of this center. District EOC procedures may be based on the TxDOT EOC operations manual located on the MNT Emergency Management website under EOC Operational Procedures.
  • Anchor: #YMNCLGSX
  • Ensure each maintenance section has planned and prepared appropriately. Perform annual reviews of each maintenance section's emergency plans.
  • Anchor: #TIHDNQRU
  • "Ensuring reimbursements are received from applicable federal agencies.
  • Anchor: #PAUSDRBE
  • Overseeing and managing the emergency contracting processes. Guidance is in the Maintenance Contract Manual.
  • Anchor: #RWITLDHM
  • Performing the duties of the District Homeland Security Coordinator. The Homeland Security Coordinator is responsible for all district homeland security issues, including:
  • Anchor: #COGLHXVI
  • Ensuring maintenance sections and district personnel are trained in and perform the required reporting requirements (HCRS, FHWA Alert Bulletin Form 2111, etc.)
  • Anchor: #EFJOFFDV
  • Coordinating off-system assistance with the Disaster District Chairman
  • Anchor: #FIVLISKT
  • Providing personnel for the Disaster District Committee Emergency Operations Center (DDC EOC) when requested. The Department liaison at the DDC EOC must have the authority to make immediate decisions on behalf of the Department. This liaison will assist with the coordination of disaster response and their duties will include:
  • Anchor: #MPPYWARY
  • Working with the TxDOT EOC, if activated, or, if not activated, working directly with the TxDOT Emergency Management Coordinator and the State Operations Center.
  • Anchor: #WRJXXWBT
  • Ensuring the district has a valid Business Continuity plan. The plan should be reviewed periodically for necessary updates and additions.
  • Anchor: #EANMNCOD
  • Reviewing and ensuring familiarity with the State of Texas Emergency Management plan and annexes. TxDOT is the primary agency for Annex K, "Public Works and Engineering." TxDOT is a supporting agency for multiple annexes, including Communication, Direction and Control, Evacuation, Fire Fighting, Hazard Mitigation, Hazardous Materials and Oil Spill Responses, Public Information, Recovery, Terrorism incident Response, and Transportation.
  • Anchor: #GBPGOBHY
  • Ensuring compliance with the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
  • Anchor: #BGDEKGWU
  • Performing the duties of the district Government Emergency Telecommunications Service (GETS) and Wireless Priority Service (WPS) coordinator.
Anchor: #i1012583

Maintenance Division Management

TxDOT's Emergency Management statewide point of contact, under the Maintenance Division Director, has various emergency preparedness responsibilities, including:

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