Anchor: #i1001216

Section 3: Federal Reimbursement Programs

Anchor: #i1001221

General Policy

For auditing and reimbursement purposes, cost records should be maintained for all emergency operations accomplished, especially those operations performed in assisting local governments and other agencies off the right-of-way. The record retention period for emergency operations cost records is three years past the "closeout date". Closeout can take many years and does not occur until all federal reimbursement payments have been made to the Department, per disaster, and a closeout form has been completed.

Anchor: #i1001233

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

The FHWA administers Federal-Aid System Emergency Relief (ER) Funds for emergency and permanent repairs to facilities on the federal-aid system. This includes local government agency roads functionally classified Rural Major Collector or above. (Federal-aid highways are all the public roads not functionally classified as either local or rural minor collectors.) Temporary operations, emergency repairs, and preliminary engineering including consultant work may proceed without prior FHWA authorization.

Permanent restoration work should not be performed prior to FHWA authorization unless performed as part of emergency repairs.

In addition to the actual repairs, ER funds may also be used for reasonable design and construction engineering costs on approved projects. More information can be found in FHWA Emergency Relief Manual.

To obtain emergency relief funds, all proposed projects must be prepared and submitted to the FHWA though the Maintenance Division.

The districts are responsible for the state oversight of all Emergency Relief projects including those with state forces. Detailed information about the state oversight can be found in the Maintenance Contract Manual.

Anchor: #i1001267

Federal Emergency Management Agency Program (FEMA)

This program, administered by FEMA, provides for emergency and permanent repairs to facilities on the state highway system. In addition to the actual repairs, FEMA funds may also be used for engineering, planning, supervision, design, and inspection.Recent changes in Federal reimbursement limit the assistance from FHWA or FEMA. During any major emergencies the Maintenance Division will inform the districts which federal agency will be assisting with reimbursements.

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