Chapter 2: Budgeting

Anchor: #i1000456

Section 1: Overview

Anchor: #i1000461

Types of Budgets

Several maintenance budgets are available to the districts to maintain the state highway system:

    Anchor: #OTDKQEXC
  • The Routine Maintenance Budget (Strategy 105)—is the operating budget for state force work. It includes salaries for maintenance employees, fuels, utilities, equipment parts, supplies and roadway materials.
  • Anchor: #KYSWIWMO
  • The Contracted Routine Maintenance Budget (Strategy 144) is for work associated with routine maintenance accomplished through the use of private sector contractors. There are no direct personnel costs associated with this strategy. It also includes equipment rentals and other services such as grounds and janitorial maintenance.
  • Anchor: #CMTTRYJM
  • The Warehouse Budget is used to provide materials and supplies stocked in the Support Services Division's regional warehouses to the districts. A portion of each district’s formula allocated maintenance funds are supplied to the division and used to purchase stock.
  • Anchor: #BMPQCSRK
  • Maintenance Contingency Funds are available for unanticipated expenses. These funds are limited and provided upon approval of request to the Maintenance (MNT) Division.

Allocation Programs

The districts also have funds available from allocation programs to use for preventive maintenance of the state highway system. Each district is allocated a funding amount and projects can be selected, developed, and let to contract with each project's cost debited to the allocated funds available for that category.

    Anchor: #RCNWHNNM
  • Category 1, Preventive Maintenance and Rehabilitation, provides for the preventive maintenance and pavement rehabilitation on the existing state highway system including the Interstate system. Allocation to the districts is by formula.
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