Chapter 4: Freeway Guide Sign Design

Anchor: #i1007695

Section 1: Overview

The Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Texas MUTCD), TxDOT’s Traffic Engineering Standard Sheets, Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas, and Traffic Operations Manual: Signs and Markings Volume contain information on how to design freeway guide signs in Texas. However, in many cases, detailed guidance on how to design and lay out a guide sign is scattered among these documents. The purpose of this chapter is to provide guidance and references for the basic design and layout of freeway guide signs.

Basic freeway guide signs are standardized with specific design details given in the Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas. These signs include Exit Gore signs, Exit and Guide Sign Number panels, Rest Area and Picnic Area signs, Left Exit and Exit Only panels, and various other freeway signs. However, Advance Guide and Exit Direction signs need to be designed separately because of the variability in message, sign size, and location.

This chapter contains details on the types of freeway guide sign design elements, including abbreviations, Route signs, arrows, and sign panels. This information is followed by general guidance regarding sign lettering and sign layout.

Information provided in this chapter primarily comes from the Texas MUTCD, Traffic Engineering Standard Sheets, Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas, Traffic Operations Manual: Signs and Markings Volume, and the National Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (National MUTCD). Specific design guidance is illustrated or referenced to the appropriate documents for additional information.

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