Anchor: #i1004299

Section 5: Signing for Closely Spaced Interchanges

Anchor: #i1004305

Interchange Sequence Signing

If there is less than 800 ft between interchanges, Interchange Sequence signs should be used instead of the Advance Guide signs for the affected interchanges. If interchanges are closely spaced, particularly through large urban areas, so Advance Guide signs cannot be adequately spaced, Interchange Sequence signs identifying the next two or three interchanges can be used. Figure 5-26 illustrates this type of signing.

Signing of closely spaced interchanges
using Interchange Sequence signs. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1001601

Figure 5-26. Signing of closely spaced interchanges using Interchange Sequence signs.

Anchor: #i1004329

Signing Between Closely Spaced Entrance and Exit Ramps

Figure 5-27 through Figure 5-32 illustrate freeway signing for exit ramps in close proximity of an upstream entrance ramp.

Closely spaced ramps with merge entrance ramp and diverge
exit ramp. (click in image to see full-size image)

Figure 5-27. Closely spaced ramps with merge entrance ramp and diverge exit ramp.

Closely spaced ramps with an added-lane entrance ramp and
a lane drop exit ramp and 2000 ft or less between exit and entrance
ramp gores. (click in image to see full-size image)

Figure 5-28. Closely spaced ramps with an added-lane entrance ramp and a lane drop exit ramp and 2000 ft or less between exit and entrance ramp gores.

Closely spaced ramps with an added-lane entrance ramp and
a lane drop exit ramp and greater than 2000 ft between exit and
entrance ramp gores. (click in image to see full-size image)

Figure 5-29. Closely spaced ramps with an added-lane entrance ramp and a lane drop exit ramp and greater than 2000 ft between exit and entrance ramp gores.

Closely spaced ramps with a merge entrance ramp and a lane
drop exit ramp. (click in image to see full-size image)

Figure 5-30. Closely spaced ramps with a merge entrance ramp and a lane drop exit ramp.

Closely spaced ramps with an added-lane entrance ramp and
a multilane exit ramp. (click in image to see full-size image)

Figure 5-31. Closely spaced ramps with an added-lane entrance ramp and a multilane exit ramp.

Closely spaced ramps with an added-lane
entrance ramp and a diverge exit ramp. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1001607

Figure 5-32. Closely spaced ramps with an added-lane entrance ramp and a diverge exit ramp.

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