Section 2: Roadway Interchange Signing
Anchor: #i1003814Right-Lane Exits
Figure 5-1 through Figure 5-5 illustrate freeway guide signing for interchanges where exit lanes are on the right side of the freeway. Each of the figures includes Advance Guide, Exit Direction, and Exit Gore signs.
Anchor: #i1003825Left-Lane Exits
Figure 5-6 and Figure 5-7 illustrate freeway guide signing for interchanges where the exit lane is on the left side of the freeway. Each of the figures includes Advance Guide, Exit Direction, and Exit Gore signs.
Figure 5-1. Signing for a single right-lane exit for a minor interchange.
Figure 5-2. Signing for a single right-lane exit for a major or intermediate interchange.
Figure 5-3. Signing for a single right-lane drop.
Figure 5-4. Signing for an optional right-lane exit.
Figure 5-5. Signing for a double right-lane drop.
Figure 5-6. Signing for a single left-lane exit.
Figure 5-7. Signing for a single left-lane drop.