Anchor: #i1000996

Section 3: Relation to Other Documents

Anchor: #i1001002

References to Other Documents

This handbook combines information contained in numerous other documents to assist in the design of freeway signing. In some cases, information from other documents is repeated in this handbook with appropriate citations to the source of the information. This is typically the case where information from several documents is combined in a section of the handbook. In other cases, this handbook refers the user to a specific document for guidance on sign design issues. This is typically the case where a single document contains the necessary design information.

Whenever practical, the handbook refers the reader to other documents so the handbook will not be out of date when these documents are revised. When information from other documents is repeated in the handbook, the reader should check to make sure the source document has not been revised.

Anchor: #i1001017

Other TxDOT Documents

This handbook presents guidance information that may support or expand upon information contained in other TxDOT documents. The guidance contained in this handbook does not supersede standards, recommended practices, or requirements established by other TxDOT documents. The following documents also contain information related to the application, design, placement, installation, and maintenance of freeway signing:

Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Texas MUTCD). The Texas MUTCD establishes practices for the selection, design, placement, operation, and maintenance of traffic control devices. The Texas MUTCD is the document that establishes the legal requirements for the selection, application, design, installation, and maintenance of traffic control devices. Many of the figures in this handbook contain cross-references to the Texas MUTCD to identify the need or application of a specific sign. When a figure contains a cross-reference to the Texas MUTCD, the user should refer to the indicated section of the Texas MUTCD to determine the appropriate application of or need for the sign. The 2003 edition of the Texas MUTCD (released in January 2003) was used in the preparation of this handbook. The 2006 Texas MUTCD was published after the completion of this handbook; however, an attempt was made to incorporate changes introduced in the 2006 Texas MUTCD into this handbook.

The Texas MUTCD is available on-line at

Traffic Engineering Standard Sheets. The Traffic Engineering Standard Sheets developed by the Traffic Operations Division (TRF) contain additional guidance for the design, placement, and mounting of freeway guide signs. Where appropriate, figures in this handbook reference the standard sheets.

The Traffic Engineering Standard Sheets are available on-line at:

The following 3 tables list standard sheets pertinent to subjects related to freeway guide signs.

Anchor: #i1004072Traffic Engineering Standard Sheets Related to Freeway Signing

Sheet Name



Requirements for Overhead and Large Ground Mounted Signs


Requirements for Attachments and Exit Panels to Guide Signs


E, D, and I Series Guide Signs


Requirements for Blue and Brown D Series Guide Signs and Independent Mounted Route Markers


Requirements for Regulatory and Warning Signs


Typical Attachment and Arrow Details


Weigh Station (Freeways Trucks Only)


Check Station (Freeways Trucks/Buses)

Anchor: #i1004137Freeway Sign Structure Standard Sheets

Sheet Name



Selection Examples


Sheet 1 of 3 (Bridge Details)


Sheet 1 of 3 (High Level Bridge Details)


Sheet 1 of 3 (High Level Bridge Details)


Sheet 1 of 3 (Bridge Details)


Sheet 1 of 3 (High Level Bridge Details)


Sheet 1 of 3 (Bridge Details)


Sheet 1 of 3 (High Level Bridge Details)


Sheet 1 of 3 (Bridge Details)


Sheet 1 of 3 (High Level Bridge Details)


Sheet 1 of 3 (Bridge Details)


Sheet 1 of 3 (High Level Bridge Details)


Sheet 1 of 3 (Bridge Details)


Sheet 1 of 3 (High Level Bridge Details)


Sheet 2 of 3 (Bridge Tower Details)


Sheet 3 of 3 (Bridge Truss Details)


Sheet 2A of 3 (Bridge Truss Details)


Sheet 2A of 3 (Bridge Truss Details)


Sheet 2A of 3 (Bridge Truss Details)


Sheet 2A of 3 (Bridge Truss Details)


Sheet 2B of 3 (Single Column and Drilled Shaft Reinforcing)


Foundation Embedment Selection Charts


Foundation Embedment Selection Charts


Sheet 1 of 3 (Special Cantilever and Bridge Details)


Selection Example


Sheet 1 of 3 (Cantilever Details)


Sheet 1 of 3 (High Level Cantilever)


Sheet 1 of 3 (Cantilever Details)


Sheet 1 of 3 (Cantilever Details)


Sheet 1 of 3 (Cantilever Details)


Sheet 2 of 3 (Support Details)


Sheet 3 of 3 (Foundation Details)


Foundation Embedment Selection Charts

ED(1) thru ED(13)

Electrical Details


Mercury Vapor Sign Light Fixture


Sign Lighting (Electrical Details)


Sign Walkway and Handrail


Support Bracket Details

Anchor: #i1004284Freeway Pavement Marking Standard Sheets

Sheet Name



Typical Standard Freeway Pavement Markings — Raised Markers


Typical Standard Freeway Pavement Markings — Entrance and Exit Ramps


Typical Standard Freeway Pavement Markings — Lane Drop Exit Ramps


Typical Standard Freeway Pavement Markings — Lane Drop Exit Ramps

Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas. The Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas (Texas SHSD) presents the dimensions needed to fabricate individual standard signs. This document primarily addresses signs with a standard layout (such as regulatory and warning signs). Appendix F of the Texas SHSD includes information on the design of large freeway guide signs. That information has been incorporated into this handbook. Revision 4 (December 1998) of the Texas SHSD was used to prepare this handbook. The standard signs shown in the handbook figures are provided for illustrative purposes only. Every effort has been extended to ensure that the appearance of the standard signs in these figures is an accurate representation of the actual sign design. The Texas SHSD should be used to determine the design and layout of standard signs.

The Texas SHSD is available on-line at

Signs and Marking Volume of the Traffic Operations Manual. The Signs and Marking Volume sets forth TxDOT standard practices and procedures regarding signs, markings, and other traffic control devices. This manual supplements the information contained in the Texas MUTCD. The November 1997 version of the Signing and Marking Volume (with the May 2000 revision of Chapter 10) was used to prepare this handbook.

Sign Crew Field Book. The Sign Crew Field Book provides field crews with information on the placement and installation of signs on conventional rural highways. The January 2000 version of the Sign Crew Field Book was used to prepare this handbook.

Anchor: #i1001090

Other Non-TxDOT Documents

The following documents provide additional information that may be useful in the application, design, placement, or installation of freeway signs. Users should note that the guidance in these documents may not be consistent with TxDOT practice.

National Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. At the time this handbook was prepared, the 2000 National MUTCD served as the national standard for traffic control devices. It is the basis for the 2003 Texas MUTCD. The Texas MUTCD is the official document for traffic control devices in Texas. There are differences between the National and Texas MUTCD. The 2003 Texas MUTCD was the version used to develop this handbook. However, an attempt was made to incorporate changes that appeared in the 2006 Texas MUTCD into this handbook.

The National MUTCD and related information are available on-line at:

Standard Highway Signs. Shortly after the publication of the 2000 National MUTCD, the FHWA published a new version of the national Standard Highway Signs (SHS). Both metric and English versions of the document are available. The metric version contains more information than the English version. The 2002 English version of the national SHS was used to prepare this handbook.

Both versions are available on-line at:

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