Anchor: #i1020219

Section 3: 1420 Records Destruction Form

Anchor: #i1020228


Texas Administrative Code 13 TAC 6.8(b)(3) requires that the destruction of official records be documented.

District and Division Records Administrators must submit a 1420 Records Destruction Form for all official records destruction. Records Administrators can compile multiple record series into one 1420 Records Destruction Form to submit to Records Management. Each District and Division should submit at least one 1420 Records Destruction Form to Records Management annually.

Records management maintains the official 1420 Records Destruction Forms for the Agency. The 1420 Records Destruction Forms are retained for the 10-year retention period per the TxDOT Records Retention Schedule.

Information on the 1420 Records Destruction Form

A sample of a completed 1420 Records Destruction Form and table of field definitions follows:

1420 Records Destruction Form.  (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #APLLKJEJgrtop

Figure 11-1. 1420 Records Destruction Form.

Anchor: #i1020290

How to Complete the 1420 Records Destruction Form

The 1420 Records Destruction Form includes the following information about the records that are destroyed.

See the following table for specific descriptions of each field on 1420 Records Destruction Form:



Block Name



District or Division Section

  • Enter the District or Division section and location.

Contact Persons

  • The form must include the Records Administrator name (Required), and the Requestor name (Optional) of the District or Division.
  • The Records Manager reviewing and approving the destruction of records will enter their name, date, and sign in the appropriate signature block prior to returning a copy of 1420 Records Destruction Form to acknowledge approval of destruction of the records.

District or Division Records Administrator (Contact Person)

  • Enter the name of the Records Administrator for the District or Division completing 1420 Records Destruction Form and requesting approval.

Requestor (Optional)

  • Enter the name of the Requestor for the District or Division requesting destruction of records.

Agency Item Number:

  • For each record series, enter the corresponding Agency Item Number from the Records Retention Schedule.

Record Series Title and Description

  • List the record series title from the Records Retention Schedule with a brief description of contents.
  • List a single records series with a single destruction date per line.

Date Range

  • List the Start (Month/Year) and End (Month/Year) of Records.

Total Retention

  • The total retention period identified in the Records Retention Schedule.


  • List the number of records to be destroyed.
  • For electronic records, fill out total number of files and the total number of bytes (KB, MB, GB); ex: (120 files = *8 MB).
  • For physical records, fill out total number of files, or boxes; ex: (1 box or 50 files).

Archival Code (R, A, or N/A)

  • For records which have an archival code requirement, identify Archival Review (R) or Archive (A) or Not Applicable (N/A) as identified on the Records Retention Schedule.
  • A - The records must be transferred to the Archives and Information Services Division of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
  • R - The Archives and Information Services Division must be contacted for an archival review of the records before disposition. Those records determined to be archival must be transferred to the Archives and Information Services Division for long-term preservation.
  • N/A – No Archival Code is associated with the record series identified on the 1420 Records Destruction Form.

Method of Destruction

  • Indicate method of destruction such as shredding, recycling, burning or deletion.


  • All required signatures must be completed. The Records Administrator is required to sign before submitting to the Records Manager.

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