Chapter 3: Records Retention Schedule


Section 1: Purpose and Responsibilities

Anchor: #i1015576


In accordance with  Texas Government Code §441.185, TxDOT maintains a Records Retention Schedule approved by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. The schedule documents TxDOT Records Retention Policy and is based on federal and state statutes, rules and regulations, and requirements established by Districts and Divisions.

The Records Retention Schedule informs employees what records are held by each organizational area within TxDOT and how long those records must be kept satisfying legal, administrative, financial, and historical requirements.  The Records Retention Schedule provides the legal authority to maintain and destroy official records.

A Records Retention Schedule is a document that identifies and describes state agency’s records and the lengths of time that each official record must be retained.  The Records Retention Schedule must be recertified by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission every five years. Recertification of the Records Retention Schedule requires a submission of a  SLR 105 Form – State of Texas Records Retention Schedule.

The current, approved TxDOT Records Retention Schedule is posted on the  Records Management Website.

An approved Records Retention Schedule:

    Anchor: #PPUISUBX
  • Fulfills requirements of state law and department policy.
  • Anchor: #HWCMUNBD
  • Secures TxDOT's statutory authority to retain, store and dispose of department records.
  • Anchor: #XCATPPDS
  • Guides Districts and Divisions on the minimum retention requirements for official records.
  • Anchor: #WNSMJNYG
  • Documents TxDOT’s business practice regarding records retention.
  • Anchor: #NRIKVIEN
  • Must be recertified by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission every five years.  The Records Retention Schedule can be amended and submitted to TSLAC for approval when necessary.

CAUTION: An official record whose retention period has expired may not be destroyed if any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, public information request, administrative review, or other action involving the record is initiated; its destruction shall not occur until the completion of the action and the resolution of all issues that arise from such action or resolution.

Anchor: #i1015667

Record Retention Schedule Roles and Responsibilities

The TxDOT Records Manager has overall responsibility for developing and maintaining the Records Retention Schedule and coordinating its periodic recertification.

Records Administrators coordinates records management in Districts and Divisions. They are responsible for helping their organizations to implement the Records Retention Schedule and coordinating revisions to the schedule when necessary.

Records Coordinators and Custodians/Subject Matter Experts manage records in specific offices or units of Districts and Divisions and implement the Records Retention Schedule as part of their file management activities.  They may also make recommendations on revisions to the Records Retention Schedule.

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