Anchor: #i1037172

Section 5: Considerations of Imaging Documents

Anchor: #i1037181

Considerations Before Imaging Documents:

Frequently Accessed Records:

    Anchor: #KQGMFEVN
  • If the official records are frequently referenced, (internally or externally) then document imaging should be considered.
  • Anchor: #BWIVBJOW
  • If the official records are not referenced frequently, then imaging is not considered.

Retrieval Time to Access Records:

    Anchor: #QLFDOKDC
  • If a record needs to be readily available, then document imaging should be considered.
  • Anchor: #XDLGHFWG
  • If multiple employees need access to the same record document imaging should be considered.
  • Anchor: #CVVGVFWY
  • If repetitive access is to be constant, then document imaging should be considered.

Cost Considerations:

    Anchor: #SKBYJXYD
  • Consider if the cost of imaging records will be achieved before the expiration of the records retention period is fulfilled.
  • Anchor: #WKSNDHWF
  • If the official record has fulfilled the retention period before you have recovered the cost of imaging, then it is not a reasonable investment.

Imaging as a Preservation Strategy:

    Anchor: #BDABLYFN
  • Consider the risks and costs of long-term preservation (migration, ensuring authenticity, future accessibility) before imaging official records with a permanent retention.
  • Anchor: #QXLUXYAD
  • Imaging documents should be used to improve access, rather than long-term preservation.

Imaging Planning Considerations:

    Anchor: #GMYKSPWE
  • Digitizing everything for the sake of eliminating all paper is not a recommended practice.
  • Anchor: #GMBGWPVF
  • TxDOT Records Management can assist in the decision process on which records to focus for imaging.
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