Anchor: #i1020679

Section 4: Confidential Records

Anchor: #i1020688

Destruction of Confidential Records

Shredding is the method of destruction to be used for all confidential records.

Follow these procedures to shred confidential records in any media:


    Anchor: #MAALAUNU
  • Use private shredding facilities or shred records on-site.
  • Anchor: #BIXRXJUM
  • If records are to be recycled after shredding, make sure that recycling contractors certify confidentiality from pickup through ultimate disposition.

Austin Office Locations:

Office locations can arrange for secure destruction with the approved vendor and/or contact Records Management for handling. Records management will arrange for secure shredding services with a TxDOT vendor.

If no shredder is available and the quantity of records is small, dispose of confidential records in the following way:

Anchor: #i1020765

Destruction of Non-Confidential Records

Recycling is the preferred method of destruction for non-confidential records. Non-confidential records do not need to be shredded before recycling. Other methods of destroying non-confidential records are:

NOTE: Methods other than burning records and depositing them in landfills are preferable.

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