Anchor: #i1019156

Section 5: Requesting Physical Records from TxDOT Records Warehouse

Anchor: #i1019165


To retrieve records from the TxDOT’s Records Warehouse, an IT Physical Records Request is required.  If you have a copy of the 1419 Records Transmittal Form, it is helpful to attach it to the request.  You may request the entire box or a specific folder.

Below is an example of the IT Physical Records Request:

IT Physical Records Request (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #GOGUBXSAgrtop

Figure 10-3. IT Physical Records Request

Anchor: #i1019207

Requesting Microfilm Records from the Records Management Warehouse

Some records are maintained in microfilm format at the Records Management Warehouse.  There are two types of micro-types: 1) Project Correspondence, and 2) Project Plans.  Project Correspondence requires County, Control-Section-Job (CSJ) and build year.  Project plans requires County and CSJ.

The process to view and print images from microfilm requires special equipment and assistance from the  Digital Print Center (DPC).

The following steps are required when requesting microfilm records from the Records Management Warehouse:

Anchor: #i1027425Steps to Order Microfilm






  • Submits a request for records in TxDOTNow  (Physical Records Request)

Records Management

  • Checks to see if the requested records are at the warehouse.
  • If not found, then notifies requestor and closes the ticket.
  • If found, notify the requestor that the microfilm is available.


  • Create a  DPC Ticket and provides the DPC ticket number to Records Management.

Records Management

  • Sends microfilm to Digital Print Center
  • Insets a check out card where the microfilm was at the warehouse.

Digital Print Center (DPC)

  • Completes the ticket request.
  • Returns microfilm to Records Management Warehouse.

Records Management

  • Refiles microfilm at the Records Management Warehouse and closes the ticket.

Anchor: #i1019502

 Monitoring of Checked-Out Records

The IT Physical Records Request will not be closed until items are returned to TxDOT’s Records Warehouse.  Records Management will contact employees who have checked out records to verify that the records are still in the possession of that person, and to encourage the return of the records to storage if they are no longer needed.

When you are finished with the records, simply return them to Records Management via interoffice mail.

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