Appendix B: Acronyms

A – Transfer to Archives

A/I – Transfer to State Archivist

AC – After Closed

AIIM – Association for Intelligent Information Management

AIN – Agency Item Number

ANSI – American National Standards Institute

AV – Administratively Valuable

CD – Compact Disk

CY – Calendar Year

CLM – Contract Life Cycle Management

CSR – Control Section Job

D – Days

DD – Districts and Divisions

DIR – Texas Department of Information Resources

DPC – Digital Print Center

DPM – Dots Per Image

DVD – Digital Versatile Disk

ECM – Enterprise Content Management

ESI – Electronically Stored Information

FE – Fiscal Year End

FCRP – Federal Rules of Civil Procedures

GCD – General Counsel Division

GIS – Geographical Information Services

ISO – International Standards Organization

LA – Life of Asset

M – Months

M-Disk – Millennial Disk

NCO – New, Change, Obsolete Records Series codes for RRS

OGC – Office of General Counsel

OPR – Office of Primary Responsibility

PCI – Payment Card Industry/ Data Security Standard

PHI – Personal Health Information

PIA – Public Information Act

PII – Personally Identifiable Information

R – Requires Review from State Archivist

R – Review by State Archivist

R/O – Records Administrator

RC – Records Coordinators

RM – Records Management

RMO – Records Management Officer

ROI – Return on Investment

RRS – Records Retention Schedule

RSIN – Records Series Item Number

SDC – Secure Digital Card

SME – Subject Matter Experts

SOP – Standard Operating Procedure

SPI – Sensitive Personal Information

TAC – Texas Administrative Code or Texas Government Code

TLC – Texas Labor Code

TRCP – Texas Rules of Civil Procedure

TSLAC – Texas State Library and Archives Commission

UETA – Uniform Electronic Transaction Act

US – Until Superseded

USB – Universal Serial Bus

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