Section 2: Official Record and Transitory Information
Anchor: #i1017767Official Record
In accordance to laws Government Code Chapter 441 “Title 4. Executive Branch, Subtitle D. History, Culture, and Education, Subchapter A, Texas State Library and Archives Commission” an “official record” on a mobile device can include the following: call records, text messages, video, images, calendars, notes and reminders, voice memos, voicemail, local files, social media, and Geographical Information Services (GIS) location data. An official record is considered media neutral and should be defined by its content according to the Records Retention Schedule.
Anchor: #i1017788Transitory Information for Text and Instant Messages
Employees and contractors should limit text and instant messaging to transitory information as defined in the Records Retention Schedule per Agency Item Number ADM05. Transitory information are records of temporary usefulness that are not an integral part of another record series of the agency and are considered records of temporary usefulness required only for a limited period when the purpose of the record has been fulfilled. Employees and contractors should delete transitory information from their devices as soon as they are no longer necessary. The retaining of instant messages will vary depending on the tool settings within the application.
NOTE: The disposal of transitory information does not require a 1420 Records Destruction Form.
Anchor: #i1017816Non-Transitory Records
All other Agency Item Numbers identified in the Records Retention Schedule are considered non-transitory. All non-transitory information should be memorialized or produced, transcribed, and preserved on a government-designated storage location.