Anchor: #i1009469

Section 8: Cell Phone Use Prohibited Sign

Anchor: #i1028827

Statewide Texting While Driving Prohibition

The Texas Transportation Code, Section 545.4251, requires the Texas Department of Transportation to post a sign at each point at which an Interstate Highway or United States highway enters this state that informs an operator that the use of a portable wireless communication device for electronic messaging while operating a motor vehicle is prohibited and the operator is subject to a fine.

There are 44 statewide locations where an Interstate Highway or US Highway crosses the state line, but Districts may choose to install signs along additional highways that cross the state line as well. To order signs, please contact TRF_Signs for the sign detail.

R19-6bT Electronic Messaging While Driving
Prohibited Sign (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #KAXQTJROgrtop

Figure 8-5. R19-6bT Electronic Messaging While Driving Prohibited Sign


Cell Phone Use Prohibited Signs (Within School Zone)

The use of cell phones within school zones is prohibited (unless used with a hands-free device) under Section 545.425 of the Texas Transportation Code. A city ordinance or resolution is not required to install and enforce the CELL PHONE USE PROHIBITED (S7-1T) sign within school zones. The prohibition of the use of cell phones within a school zone can only be enforced if the CELL PHONE USE PROHIBITED (S7-1T) sign is installed below the ground-mounted school speed limit sign (S5-1) or beside the overhead school speed limit sign (S6-1T). See Part 7 of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD).

TXDOT will pay for the cost and installation of these signs for on-system highways within a city with a population of 50,000 or less or outside incorporated areas. All school zones within the incorporated limits of a municipality with a population of 50,000 or more or along off-system roadways will be installed and maintained by local government forces.

Refer to Figure 8-6 for sign assembly example.

Anchor: #i1009498

Cell Phone Use Prohibited (Within City Limits)

An incorporated municipality may pass a city ordinance restricting the use of a cell phone or features of a cell phone (e.g. texting, emailing, etc.) within their city limits. Municipalities, with Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) approval, may install regulatory signs along state maintained roadways (at or near the posted CITY LIMIT signs) that inform motorists of the ordinance. The municipalities are responsible for all costs associated with these signs, including maintenance.

Example of Cell Phone Use Prohibited sign
assembly. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #DYEKUYLNgrtop

Figure 8-6. Example of Cell Phone Use Prohibited sign assembly.

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