Section 13: Wildlife Viewing Areas

Anchor: #i1009648


The “Watchable Wildlife Project,” coordinated by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD), has identified certain sites throughout the state as accessible wildlife viewing sites. The wildlife sites are described in the Texas Wildlife Viewing Guide, published by TPWD.

To promote environmental and ecological awareness and to help the public find the wildlife sites, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) installs and maintains WILDLIFE VIEWING AREA signing (D7-12T, D7-12aT and D7-13T). See Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas (SHSD) for sign details.

Anchor: #i1009668

Signing Standards

The WILDLIFE VIEWING AREA signing should correspond to the directions given in A Texas Guide to Wildlife Watching.

The 48 × 30 inch WILDLIFE VIEWING AREA (D7-13T) sign should be placed at the nearest major intersection, and the 18 × 18 inch binocular-logo (D7-12T) sign with supplemental arrow plaque should be used as necessary.

For sites on TxDOT right-of-way, the actual site location may be signed with the binocular logo. Signing should not be used in locations where stopping to view wildlife could be hazardous. Signing required at off-right-of-way locations is financed and installed by others.

Many of the locations named in A Texas Guide to Wildlife Watching are state parks or other identifiable areas that may already be signed. In these cases, no additional signs are necessary. The existing guide signing for these areas, together with the guide directions, should normally suffice for guiding the motorist to these viewing areas.

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