Section 16: Memorial Designated Highways and Structures

Anchor: #i1009882


Texas Transportation Code, Chapter 225, Subchapter A, grants local governments and the Texas Legislature the authority to assign a memorial designation to portions of the state highway system (including a highway, bridge, or other structure) and establishes how this is coordinated with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). TxDOT is specifically prohibited from naming or otherwise designating a highway, street, or bridge with any name or symbol other than the regular highway number.

Title 43, Section 25.9 of the Texas Administrative Code, provides the rules for implementing Chapter 225 of the Texas Transportation Code.

Anchor: #i1009911

Records Management

Memorial designated highways, bridges, interchanges and other structures are recorded and tracked by the TxDOT Traffic Operations Division (TRF).

Overlaps. TRF strives to prevent overlaps of memorial designated routes. Overlapping is defined as two memorial designations covering the same highway route or corridor. Memorial designated structures or interchanges on a memorial designated corridor do not constitute an overlap.

Anchor: #i1009955

Designation Through Local Action

The city or county should contact TRF prior to passing the resolution to confirm that a section of highway or structure has not been previously designated, and to confirm that proper language is used in the resolution. After the resolution is passed, TRF will then work with the city or county on the sign design, proposed sign locations, and preparation of memo for signature by the TxDOT executive director.

Financing. The local government is required to finance the fabrication and installation of the signs and bear all maintenance expenses. A county must execute an advanced funding agreement with TxDOT prior to installation, while a city may install the signs under an existing municipal maintenance agreement with TxDOT approval.

Anchor: #i1009981

Designation Through Legislative Action

The Texas Legislature may designate a memorial marker or named marker highway, bridge, or other structure on the state highway system.

After legislation is passed, TRF notifies the district or districts involved and develops a legislative implementation plan. The district or districts work with TRF to install the signs.

Financing. A donation through a private entity or local government is required to finance the fabrication and installation of the signs. TxDOT bears all expenses associated with the maintenance of the signs.


Policy Guidance for Signing

The Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD) lists the following standards for memorial signs installed along a highway:

    Anchor: #LXYIXDTG
  • Memorial names must not appear on directional guide signs.
  • Anchor: #STXGYQRM
  • Memorial signs must not interfere with the placement of any other necessary highway signing.
  • Anchor: #FDYLCQYL
  • Memorial signs must not compromise the safety or efficiency of traffic flow.

Memorial signs must be reflective with a brown background and white legend. Signs will be limited to one at each end of the designated limits, typically with a sign at the beginning of the memorial highway limits in each direction, and at such intermediate sites that markers are approximately 75 miles apart.

Example of Memorial Highway Sign (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #URTSLFAUgrtop

Figure 7-7. Example of Memorial Highway Sign

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