Anchor: #i999872

Section 2: T-Intersections

Anchor: #i999877


Various traffic control devices may be used to gain the driver’s attention on the approach stem of a rural T-intersection.

Anchor: #i999982

Advance Warning

Standard advance warning signs such as the HIGHWAY INTERSECTION AHEAD sign (W2-1aT) and the STOP AHEAD sign (W3-1) may be installed in addition to the route junction assembly on the approach to the intersection.

Anchor: #i1003364

At the Intersection

Several different treatments may be used at the intersection depending on the emphasis desired as determined by a field study. Figure 6-1 illustrates various T-intersection treatments.

Anchor: #i1003440

Use of Large Arrow Signs

The Large Arrow signs (W1-7T and W1-9T) may be used where a field study indicates that additional emphasis is needed to mark a T-intersection or a sharp turn or curve of the roadway. When used, the sign boards should be installed on the outside of the turn or curve and should be located as close to the right-of-way (ROW) line as practical (see Figure 6-1).

T-intersection treatments. If the large
arrow sign is used, it should be as close to the ROW line as practical. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #UDEWKRNMgrtop

Figure 6-1. T-intersection treatments. If the large arrow sign is used, it should be as close to the ROW line as practical.

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