Anchor: #i1005174

Section 6: Municipal and Road Utility District Signs

Anchor: #i1005183


Chapter 441 of the Texas Transportation Code allows cities, counties, and other political subdivisions to create municipal and road utility districts to finance construction. These entities are required to post signs at a minimum of two principal entrances to indicate the existence of an additional taxation authority to potential property owners.

Anchor: #i1005198


The municipal or road utility district is responsible for the installation and total cost of the signs and mounts.

Anchor: #i1005218

Signing Guidelines

Municipal and road utility district signing should conform to the following guidelines:

    Anchor: #OORCBPMF
  • Signs should be installed off the right-of-way (ROW), if possible. Signs may be installed on the ROW but located near the fence line, mounted parallel to the direction of traffic on the highway.
  • Anchor: #YWRAWIDK
  • If the sign is mounted on the ROW, the sign mounts must conform to current Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) specifications, and the sign must conform to the typical details shown in Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas (SHSD) and Figure 8-3.
  • Anchor: #NBBVPMKN
  • Sign locations must be approved by the TxDOT district office so as not to interfere with routine maintenance operations.

Typical utility district signs. Background
is white reflective; border and legend are black. The three upper
lines are for the district name. Variations in the number of letters
per line will depend on the length of the district name. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #IWWOUQBPgrtop

Figure 8-3. Typical utility district signs. Background is white reflective; border and legend are black. The three upper lines are for the district name. Variations in the number of letters per line will depend on the length of the district name.

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