Appendix B: Broadband Accommodation Process


Section 1: Purpose of Broadband Accommodation Process



This document will prescribe minimum design standards for the accommodation, method, materials, and location for the installation, adjustment, and maintenance of broadband facilities under the accommodation process. The Installation Owner is intended to ensure the safety of the general public as well as those who will work on or in proximity to the Broadband equipment.

These Design Standards are governed by the terms and conditions found in applicable sections of the latest versions of the following documents:

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Amending the Design Standards

The Department reserves the right to revise the Design Standards in accordance with the terms of Title 43, Texas Administrative Code. Any amendment to the Design Standards shall apply prospectively, except to the extent required by federal, state, or local law.

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Additional Requirements

In addition to the requirements of the Design Standards, Installation Owners may also be subject to other regulatory obligations, including requirements established by the TxDOT District in which the site will be located. Installation Owners are responsible for compliance with all additional or updated TxDOT requirements.

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