Section 4: Initial Exchange of Design Data and Criterion

Anchor: #i1002222


The following should be part of initial exchange of design data or criterion:

    Anchor: #INLATPRC
  • Furnish utility any information and design data required for adjustment planning at the Preliminary Design Meeting.
  • Anchor: #HNJYRPWB
  • After preliminary design of a highway project is complete and acquisition of right of way is authorized, furnish utility a segment of the approved schematic showing the preliminary plan and profile, including typical cross section data. This exchange may permit early utility adjustment work.
  • Anchor: #HIJQRCTY
  • In more complex situations, such as adjustment in interchange areas or installations influenced by design considerations or drainage facilities, furnish utility with more advanced and detailed data at a later design stage. Furnish preliminary design data to all utilities because of the value of this information in the tentative planning and design of a utility project.
  • Anchor: #VCYNBHYW
  • Since TxDOT cost participation is limited to the most economical method of adjusting the utility installation, the utility should determine the economical route and design of the proposed facility after consultation with the District Utility Liaison and, if needed, ROW Division Representatives, thereby ensuring conformance with planned highway improvements and the UAR.
  • Anchor: #SYTCBSUE
  • Encourage utilities to undertake an adjustment based on furnished advanced design information. Notify utility that if work is properly undertaken according to an approved agreement and a subsequent adjustment becomes necessary due to a revision of highway design requirements, the work would not be at the utility’s expense.
  • Anchor: #BGRPMDUD
  • Betterment considerations may be resolved at this stage through engineering reviews.
  • Anchor: #EBWPJFIR
  • Early in the process, utilities need to select the most economical route based on highway right of way purchase; Chapter 7, Utility Cost Estimates, discusses this subject.
  • Anchor: #PPUKOQOS
  • If any of the following are anticipated, additional time should be included in the scheduling of the adjustment:
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