Section 2: Utility Location Investigations

Anchor: #i1002043


Make certain that all utilities affected by the proposed project have been identified. Utility facilities that are overlooked may cause costly delays in the construction of the project and pose a danger to personnel and equipment.

The utilities must be furnished with a right of way map, schematic, and/or plan and profile sheets. They must mark the locations of their facilities on these documents and return them to the appropriate TxDOT representative. The information must be checked to ensure that all locations are marked. Some additional methods of verification are:

    Anchor: #QNRBHDDE
  • Check District Utility Installation Request records
  • Anchor: #ICEHBVYJ
  • Check existing Utility Joint Use Agreements from prior projects
  • Anchor: #BLMIMIEJ
  • Use Texas 811 call location services. You may also visit the website for further information.
  • Anchor: #QSHAWRRF
  • Use a Subsurface Utility Engineering ( SUE) service.
      Anchor: #WXDAGBUB
    • Utility companies may be urged to consider SUE usage to determine critical or unknown locations of their facilities.
    • Anchor: #HJREMWMT
    • TxDOT design teams are encouraged to make use of SUE services to optimize design.
  • Anchor: #IVIENIQB
  • Ask known utilities if they are aware of, and can identify, other utility service providers or facilities in the area.
  • Anchor: #AMPHWTMF
  • Perform a thorough on-site examination of the proposed project location by TxDOT personnel.
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