Anchor: #i1068593

Section 11: Broadband Initiatives

Anchor: #i1068602

Joint Trench Opportunities

A joint trench is an open-cut trench shared by several utility providers, specifically broadband providers.

HB 2422 of the 86th Texas Legislative Session requires TxDOT to provide notice on TxDOT’s website of opportunities for broadband providers. Providers may collaborate with TxDOT to deploy broadband conduit or other facilities in those rights-of-way. TxDOT is required to give special consideration to broadband deployment that will likely improve access to broadband in rural or underserved communities. The ROW Division has created a Joint Trench Application that will allow broadband providers to submit a request for those interested in participating in the joint trench opportunity.

TxDOT is required to submit a report to the Legislature explaining the action taken and any costs or savings to the state and private entities associated with voluntary joint trenching opportunities.


Anchor: #i1068650

Joint Duct Bank Accommodation Program

The Joint Duct Bank Accommodation Program is designed to support the broadband movement and to accommodate broadband facilities within TxDOT ROW. The program is meant to provide better ROW management while supporting future broadband and utility installations. The soundness of the standards developed needs to be validated through discussions with the industry.

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