Section 4: Utility Installation Inspection

Anchor: #i1001615


The TxDOT Project Construction Engineer or the TxDOT Utility Inspector should check adjustment and relocation sites to ensure that:

    Anchor: #BYRMCDQH
  • all items and equipment, including salvage and scrap, used in the adjustment process have been removed from the site;
  • Anchor: #XOXBMSFI
  • all backfill operations and site restoration have been successfully completed; and
  • Anchor: #LETWRCUV
  • utility markers have been placed in accordance with the UAR.

Identify any possible pollutants that are present or contamination that may occur. Underground facilities may be abandoned in place, in accordance with applicable standards, provided that:

    Anchor: #CIIYGGQF
  • the appropriate District and/or Division approves the facility to remain in place;
  • Anchor: #GJMSKODW
  • the facility to be abandoned does not need to be removed to facilitate the transportation project construction or the traveling public; and
  • Anchor: #CBRBAEQM
  • the facility to be abandoned does not contain hazardous material or pose a hazard to the transportation project construction.

TxDOT inspection personnel should check the following:

    Anchor: #BXYYKOCM
  • that the utility project diary is up to date;
  • Anchor: #KNOPOVTW
  • that locations of the utility's facilities are documented in “as-built” plans;
  • Anchor: #DIDGLNTG
  • Note: The District personnel involved in activities covered by a Utility Installation Request should also be given a copy of these “as-built” plans.

  • Anchor: #VWFGYTHY
  • that a copy of the right of way map or plan and profile (P&P) sheets is marked to reflect the current status of utility facilities. Copies of such maps or P&P sheets should be given to transportation project construction personnel of TxDOT and to the transportation project construction contractor.

TxDOT Utility Liaison should request a copy of the utility project diary, along with a certification from the inspector stating that work has been completed as outlined in the agreement assembly. Any changes to the original agreement assembly should be noted along with brief explanations of reasons for the changes.

The TxDOT Utility Liaison should give written notification to the ROW Program Office that the adjustment is complete. Refer to Chapter 11, Section 3, Final Billings concerning “as built” plans.

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