Anchor: #i1002844

Section 4: Contacts

Anchor: #i1002850

4.1 Contacts for Questions and Comments

Contact the following with questions, comments, or issues regarding the particular subject matter:

    Anchor: #PCTDEKID
  • Director of MNT – Pavement Asset Management at (512) 416-3288 for general questions or questions or comments about this manual
  • Anchor: #AFRTISJP
  • MNT – Pavement Asset Management Section, Pavement Analysis and Design Branch at (512) 832-7304, for assistance with premature distress investigations, flexible pavement design, rigid pavement design and rehabilitation
  • Anchor: #LYOHGHGN
  • MNT – Pavement Asset Management Section at (512) 416-3113 for questions about load zoning, and super heavy load analysis
  • Anchor: #RMOQMHVO
  • Flexible Pavements Branch at (512) 506-5836 or 5847 for Flexible Pavement Design, Construction or Rehabilitation
  • Anchor: #UDKHQVDC
  • Rigid Pavement & Concrete Materials Branch at (512) 506-5858 or 5846 for Rigid Pavement Construction
  • Anchor: #DPNXCEWX
  • Geotechnical, Soils & Aggregates Branch at (512) 506-5907 for issues regarding geotechnical investigations, aggregate, and geosynthetics
  • Anchor: #DSJKRHUH
  • Asphalt and Chemical Branch at (512) 506-5821 for issues regarding asphalt binder and chemicals modifiers
  • Anchor: #SVOHPYRE
  • Traffic Materials Branch at (512) 506-5889 for issues regarding traffic materials
  • Anchor: #OCIKGDEV
  • Pavement Preservation Branch (Pavement Asset Management, MNT) at (512) 832-7210 for Pavement Management, Pavement Preservation Techniques, and Pavement Testing
  • Anchor: #BYLPDNHM
  • Research and Technology Implementation Office at (512) 416-4731 for research projects and their implementations.

More information on the MNT – Pavement Asset Management Section can be found at the Maintenance Division website

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