Anchor: #i1008002

Section 5: Determining Concrete Pavement Thickness

Anchor: #i1018728

5.1 Introduction

For CRCP design, the required pavement thickness is the thickness in which the predicted number of punchouts per mile is less than the design requirement. For CRCP designs, the input thickness should be in 1/2-in. increments. The minimum thickness for CRCP is 7 in., and the maximum thickness is 13 in. Use 13 in. for slab thicknesses greater than 13 in. Districts wanting to use thicker pavements should submit designs greater than 13 in. to the district engineer for approval along with their justification for doing so.

For CPCD design, the computed concrete slab thickness should be rounded to the nearest full or half inch. For example, use slab thickness of 11.5 in. for computed thickness of 11.4 in., and use slab thickness of 10 in. for computed thickness of 10.24 in. The minimum slab thickness for CPCD is 6 in., and the maximum thickness is 12 in. It is recommended to use CRCP for sections where the CPCD design thickness is greater than 12 in.

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