Anchor: #i1002000

Section 5: Surface Test Type B for Concrete and Hot-Mix Asphalt Surfaces

Surface Test Type B is the default for the final riding surface of travel lanes with the exceptions noted in Section 5 above. The ride quality specification for concrete and hot-mix asphalt surfaces includes incentives and disincentives based on the contractor’s performance in constructing a smooth surface. One of three pay adjustment schedules in Item 585 is selected by the engineer to determine the level of bonus or liquidated damages for each 0.1-mi. section for these projects. Pay adjustment schedules 1 and 2 have the same bonus schedule; pay adjustment schedule 3 has a lower bonus schedule than pay adjustment schedules 1 and 2. The liquidated damages are greater for schedule 1, less for schedule 2, and there are no liquidated damages when schedule 3 is selected.

Item 585 specifies Surface Test Type B with Pay Adjustment Schedule 3 as the default. However, Schedule 1 and 2 could be more appropriate for many construction scenarios. Use the guidelines in Table 11-2 and engineering judgment to determine the appropriate Pay Adjustment Schedule based on what is achievable. Factors to consider include the existing IRI, class of the road, posted speed, previous experiences on similar projects, the ability to improve the existing ride with the number of smoothness opportunities specified, and the need for higher ride quality. General notes or notes on typical sections are required to change the Pay Adjustment Schedule. It is strongly advised that the designer show on the plans which pay schedule they wish to use. Note that Table 11-2 does not cover all possible construction scenarios. For further assistance, please contact MNT – Pavement Asset Management.

Anchor: #i1018117Table 11-2: Guidance for Selecting Pay Adjustment Schedules

Project Description

Recommended Pay Adjustment Schedule

New Construction or Major Rehabilitation (IH, US, Multilane divided highways)

Rigid Pavements

CRCP, CPCD and Unbonded Concrete Overlay



Bonded Concrete Overlay



All roads with posted speed < 45 MPH



Flexible Pavements with total HMA thickness > 1.5”


Overlay or Minor Rehabilitation

Flexible Pavements with total HMA thickness < 1.5” such as an overlay with a Permeable Friction Course (PFC). Note that in some cases Surface Test Type A may be more appropriate for this application.


Flexible Pavements Total HMA thickness > 1.5”

All roads with posted speed < 45 MPH


When there are 2 or more smoothness opportunities (see Section 7)

All highway classifications other than 2-lane undivided


2-lane undivided highways


When there is only 1 smoothness opportunity (see Section 7)

All highway classifications other than 2-lane undivided


2-lane undivided highways


* It may be appropriate to increase or decrease this number depending on the ride quality of the existing pavement. For example: if the ride quality of the existing pavement is poor (IRI > 170), it may be appropriate to increase this number if applicable. Conversely, it may be appropriate to decrease this number if applicable and if the ride quality of the existing pavement is good (IRI < 95).

The pay adjustment schedules listed in Item 585 are shown graphically in Figure 11-5.

Graphical Illustration of Pay Adjustment
Schedules. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #ELCVPRCBgrtop

Figure 11-5. Graphical Illustration of Pay Adjustment Schedules.

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