Section 3: Reference Letters
Anchor: #i1001503Notification of Commercially Useful Function Non-Compliance
DBE Owner Business Name DBE Address City, State Zip Code
Subject: Notification of Commercially Useful Function Non-Compliance
Project/CSJ/County: <Project/CSJ/County>
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:
The <District Name> district conducted a Commercially Useful Function (CUF) review on your firm for the above mentioned project, on <Date>.
Based on the findings from the review, it has been determined that your firm is not performing a CUF, in accordance with 49 CFR Part 26.55 and DBE Special Provision 000--007 as contained within the contract.
The CUF review revealed the following findings of DBE non-compliance:
- Anchor: #XONKGXMI
- Bullet list findings of non-compliance Anchor: #i1000112
- Bullet list findings of non-compliance
When a DBE is presumed to not be performing a CUF, the DBE may present evidence to rebut the presumption. Your firm has ten (10) days from the date you receive this letter to respond to these findings in writing.
If you have any questions concerning our determination or require further information concerning this matter, please feel free to contact <Contact Name> at <(XXX) Number>.
District Representative Name
District, Title
Anchor: #i1001588DBE Termination Approval
Name of Prime Contractor Firm Prime Contractor Business Name DBE Address City, State Zip Code
Subject: DBE Termination Approval
Project/CSJ/County: <Project/CSJ/County>
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:
The <District Name> district has reviewed the request submitted <Date> to terminate <Terminated DBE Firm> as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) to the original DBE commitment on the above referenced project.
After a review of the documentation and the response from the DBE, it has been determined that your request to terminate has been approved.
Should you have any questions or require further information concerning this matter, please contact <Contact Name> at <(XXX) Number>.
District Representative Name
District, Title
CC: <Terminated DBE>
Anchor: #i1001653DBE Replacement Approval
Name of Prime Contractor Firm Prime Contractor Business Name DBE Address City, State Zip Code
Subject: DBE Replacement Approval
Project/CSJ/County: <Project/CSJ/County>
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:
The <District Name> district has reviewed the request submitted <Date> to substitute <New DBE Firm> as a replacement for <Enter DBE being replaced> to the original Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) commitment on the above referenced project.
This request for replacement has been approved. <New DBE Name> will be added to the DBE commitment as a replacement for <Terminated DBE> and will perform <$X.XX> of the overall DBE goal.
Should you have any questions or require further information concerning this matter, please contact <Contact Name> at <(XXX) Number>.
District Representative Name
District, Title
Anchor: #i1001718DBE Replacement Request Denial
Name of Prime Contractor Firm Prime Contractor Business Name DBE Address City, State Zip Code
Subject: DBE Replacement Request Denial
Project/CSJ/County: <Project/CSJ/County>
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:
The <District Name> district has reviewed the request submitted <Date> to add Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firm <Proposed DBE Firm> to the original DBE commitment on the above referenced project.
After a review of the documentation submitted to add <Proposed DBE Firm Name> as a substitute, it has been determined that this request is denied for the following reasons:
- Anchor: #TGLVCVCH
- Bullet list reasons Anchor: #i1000122
- Bullet list reasons
Should you have any questions or require further information concerning this matter, please contact <Contact Name> at <(XXX) Number>.
District Representative Name
District, Title
CC: <Proposed Terminated DBE Firm>
Anchor: #i1001793Good Faith Effort Approval after Terminating a DBE
Name of Prime Contractor Firm Prime Contractor Business Name DBE Address City, State Zip Code
Subject: Good Faith Effort Approval after Terminating a DBE
Project/CSJ/County: <Project/CSJ/County>
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:
The <District Name> district has reviewed the documentation submitted <Date> regarding your attempt to make a good faith effort to meet the overall DBE goal on the above mentioned project. This documentation was necessary as result of the DBE goal shortfall of <$X.XX> after (choose one then erase the other option)
Terminating DBE firm <Terminated DBE> to the commitment.
Substituting DBE firm <Added DBE Firm Name> to the commitment.
A review of the documentation of your firm’s efforts to find another DBE replacement indicates that your firm made a good faith effort to meet the goal. Therefore, the <$X.XX> goal shortage is waived.
Should you have any questions or require further information concerning this matter, please contact <Contact Name> at <(XXX) Number>.
District Representative Name
District, Title
Anchor: #i1001873Good Faith Effort Denial after Terminating or Substituting a DBE
Name of Prime Contractor Firm Prime Contractor Business Name DBE Address City, State Zip Code
Subject: Good Faith Effort Denial after Terminating or Substituting a DBE
Project/CSJ/County: <Project/CSJ/County>
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:
The <District Name> district has reviewed the documentation submitted <Date> regarding your attempt to make a good faith effort to meet the overall DBE goal on the above mentioned project. This documentation was necessary as result of the DBE goal shortfall of <$X.XX> after (choose one then erase the other option)
Terminating DBE firm <Terminated DBE Firm Name> to the commitment.
Substituting DBE firm <Added DBE Firm Name> to the commitment.
A review of the documentation of your firm’s efforts to find another DBE replacement indicates that your firm did not make a good faith effort to meet the DBE goal. Therefore, the <$X.XX> goal shortage will not be waived for the following reasons:
- Anchor: #VWLFSFTK
- Bullet list reasons Anchor: #i1000134
- Bullet list reasons
Should you have any questions or require further information concerning this matter, please contact <Contact Name> at <(XXX) Number>.
District Representative Name
District, Title
Anchor: #i1001963Joint Check Request Approval
Name of Prime Contractor Firm Prime Contractor Business Name DBE Address City, State Zip Code
Subject: Joint Check Request Approval
Project/CSJ/County: <Project/CSJ/County>
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:
The <District Name> district has reviewed the Joint Check Approval request submitted <Date>. Upon review of this request and supporting documentation, it has been determined that the request for use of joint check is approved.
DBE goal credit will be allowed as of, <Date>, which is the date the request was approved. Please note that any goal credit submitted prior to this approval date will not be counted.
The district will monitor the proper use of joint checks and determine allowable DBE goal credit.
Should you have any questions or require further information concerning this matter, please contact <Contact Name> at <(XXX) Number>.
District Representative Name
District, Title
Anchor: #i1002033Joint Check Request Denial
Name of Prime Contractor Firm Prime Contractor Business Name DBE Address City, State Zip Code
Subject: District Response - Request for Joint Check Use
Project/CSJ/County: <Project/CSJ/County>
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:
The <District Name> district has reviewed the Joint Check Approval request submitted <Date>. Upon review of this request and supporting documentation, it has been determined that the request for use of joint check is denied for the following reasons:
List Reason(s) for denial.
Should you have any questions or require further information concerning this matter, please contact <Contact Name> at <(XXX) Number>.
District Representative Name
District, Title