Chapter 11: ROW Acquisition of Federal Lands
Anchor: #i999266Section 1: Regulations Governing Acquisition of Federal Lands
Anchor: #i999271Overview
If federal property is managed or controlled by the Army, Air Force, Navy, or Veterans Administration, TxDOT negotiates directly with these agencies and representatives as follows:
- Anchor: #BBMPYXQE
- Army or Air Force: Installation commander and the appropriate U. S. Army Corps of Engineers district engineer. Anchor: #EICYIDNS
- Navy: District public works officer of the naval district involved. Anchor: #XVUWRPUE
- Veterans Administration: Director, Veterans Administration, Washington, D. C.
If federal lands are donated for highway purposes, the Executive Director (or the ROW Division Director) may accept the donation. If the value of the donated federal land/easement exceeds $500, the Commission must acknowledge the donation by Minute Order (see Legal Requirements to Accept Donation (for State).)