Anchor: #i1005256

Section 25: Irrigation and Drainage Canals (for State and LPA)

Anchor: #i1005261


A canal, as defined here, means any open ditch or pipe facility carrying non-potable water for irrigation or drainage purposes. When right of way is required for canal adjustments, such acquisition is handled according to how ownership is held and the physical canal orientation with respect to the highway. Ownership is held either publicly or privately. Canal orientation is either perpendicular or parallel to the highway.

For canals serving the public or having a public function, adjustments are handled similar to utility adjustments. Facilities should be identified as either crossing (perpendicular to the highway) or longitudinal (parallel to the highway). Real property costs will be handled as right of way expenses.

For privately held canals that do not serve the public but rather an individual, handling of costs should follow the real property acquisition process. Facilities should be identified as either crossing (perpendicular to the highway) or longitudinal (parallel to the highway). Real property costs shall be handled through the appraisal process as part of the right of way acquisition parcel.

Additional policies and procedures regarding the removal, relocation, or adjustment of irrigation and drainage canal facilities are in the ROW Utilities Manual. Procedures for appraising canals in private ownership/function are included in the ROW Appraisal and Review Manual.

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