Anchor: #i1000477

Section 3: General Submission Requirements for Formal Negotiations

Anchor: #i1000482


Detailed procedures for negotiations vary, depending on the state agency involved. However, the following materials are usually required for action by the ROW Program Office. Variations from these requirements are as outlined in Texas Departments of State Health Services and of Aging and Disability Services Lands through Veterans Land Board Land Under Contract to a Veteran, depending on the state agency involved.

A copy of the property description is needed. TxDOT’s letter, as well as all items included in the submission, must clearly identify by parcel number all land being acquired in the negotiation. Also, furnish information regarding any access control rights to be acquired. This submission must be made as soon as possible during project development to allow adequate time for state agency action.

Upon receiving the parcel submission, ROW PD makes a formal request to the state agency, forwarding copies of the property descriptions, maps, and sketches. The state agency is kept informed of progress, and the proposed conveyance instrument, including all negotiation terms, is forwarded for state agency’s review and approval before TxDOT acceptance. Upon state agency execution and TxDOT acceptance, the instrument is recorded in the respective county records and returned to the ROW Program Office for permanent filing.

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