Chapter 8: Fencing Policies and Procedures

Anchor: #i998905

Section 1: Fencing Policies (for State)

Anchor: #i998910


On controlled access highway facilities, TxDOT's policy provides for construction and maintenance of control of access fences as an integral part of the highway facility since they are needed for public safety. The policies and procedures pertaining to control of access fencing are discussed in Control of Access Fences (for State). Control of access fences have an impact on right of way acquisition when they are located along the right of way and eliminate access to remainders. When these fences serve the secondary purpose of property fences, right of way acquisition of these, whether through negotiation or condemnation, should be on the basis that they are constructed and maintained by the state.

On non-controlled access highway facilities, the replacement of privately owned property fences along the right of way is handled as a cost to cure item, as outlined in the ROW Appraisal and Review Manual. The fences are built by the property owner with maintenance and ownership vested in the landowner.

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