Anchor: #i999545

Section 2: Requesting a ROW CSJ (Project ID)

Anchor: #i999550


Prior to authority to proceed, Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) personnel should request the ROW CSJ number, which is assigned by the ROW Program Office. To request a ROW CSJ number, TxDOT personnel must submit a completed form ROW-RM-CSJTPC Right of Way Total Project Costs. TxDOT personnel can electronically submit the form to the ROW Program Office. Also, TxDOT personnel must enter the data into TxDOTCONNECT (TxC). TxC is TxDOT’s custom-built system for managing the delivery of transportation programs, projects, and right of way. Visit TxDOT’s website for more TxDOTCONNECT resources. Once all of the required information has been provided, the ROW Program Office will assign the ROW CSJ number upon receipt from the Financial Management Division.

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