Anchor: #i999954

Section 7: Leasehold Signs (for LPA)

Anchor: #i999959


The costs of acquiring leasehold advertising sign interests are eligible for state participation only when a compensable realty interest has been determined and a release or quitclaim of property interests has been obtained. The determination of compensability need not be submitted to the ROW Program Office. However, the release or quitclaim must be submitted, along with the deed from the fee owner, before reimbursement can be made. It is recommended that the LPA follow the procedures outlined in Sections 1 through 5 of this chapter. TxDOT should closely coordinate the LPA's efforts in this regard.

Note: If affected commercial signs are located on Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) right of way, contact the ROW Division's Commercial Signs Regulatory Program (CSRP) to coordinate acquisition. The CSRP Section will need to determine if signs are allowed to be relocated.

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