Anchor: #i999742

Section 2: Authority for Right of Way Acquisition

Anchor: #i999747

Additional Requirements

To obtain full authority, the project must have environmental clearance. Refer to Environmental Clearance for requirements. When ready to initiate work following environmental clearance, receipt of the executed contractual agreement, and federal funds approval (if applicable), the ROW Division, Contracts and Finance Section, Project Financial Management Branch changes project status in TxC to Full Authority to Proceed, and initiates electronic extract to Financial Management Division. These actions serve as authorization to incur costs.

All required information must be entered into TxC to obtain authorization.

In addition to the above, the following requirements apply to a local government:

    Anchor: #KTNLYCVN
  • The fully executed contractual agreement between the state and the local government establishes the basis for the local government's acquisition of right of way and the state's basis for reimbursement under the terms of the agreement.
  • Anchor: #CNGOWUQW
  • Any payments made by the local government before the date of the state's execution of the contractual agreement are ineligible for state participation.
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