Anchor: #i999709

Section 5: Removal and Relocation of Certain Commercial Signs (for State)

Anchor: #i999714


Permitted commercial signs displaced by a highway project, but which have been retained as part of a negotiated conveyance, may be eligible for an Impacted Sign Credit, allowing the impacted sign to be erected in a new location with relaxed requirements. Such credits must be coordinated by the sign owner with Commercial Signs Regulatory Program personnel and done in accordance with the Texas Administrative Code. The permitting process for the new site cannot begin until after the sign has been timely removed, once the acquisition has been completed.

Retained signs will be allowed to occupy the site for a period of time, post-conveyance. TxDOT will thereafter provide the sign owner a Notice to Vacate upon a date certain, as outlined in the approved OAS conveyance forms. Except for emergency situations, not less than 30 days (and preferably 60 days) advance notice to vacate should be given to the sign owner. To ensure that the sign does not conflict with construction, such notice should also be given not less than 60 days prior to the date on which the land on which the sign is erected is needed for construction purposes.

If the commercial sign owner does not timely remove the structure per the deed and Notice to Vacate, the ownership of the structure shall revert back to the state for removal. The sign structure owner will forfeit the salvage value, if any, retained by the state AND their eligibility for an impacted sign credit.

If the sign owner does not choose to retain the structure through a negotiated conveyance, then they will not be provided the ability to apply for an impacted sign credit and any application by the sign owner would be treated as an application for a new permit.

Contact ROW Division's Commercial Signs Regulatory Program for assistance needed.

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