Chapter 1: Administrative Requirements Preliminary to Formal Authority for Right of Way Acquisition

Anchor: #i999483

Section 1: Delineation between Right of Way Acquisition and Preliminary Engineering

Anchor: #i999488

ROW CSJ (Project ID) Costs Versus Construction CSJ (Controlling Project ID) Costs

Preliminary engineering includes preliminary work required in preparing right of way data such as right of way surveys, property descriptions, maps, subsurface utility engineering (SUE), preliminary right of way cost estimates, and staking right of way. Charge all preliminary engineering costs to the Construction CSJ (Controlling Project ID) function 130. Right of way acquisition costs must be charged to the ROW CSJ (Project ID). This work can include:

Do not incur or obligate any right of way cost without a formal authorization from the ROW Division, Contracts and Finance Section, Project Financial Management Branch. Requirements that must be fulfilled before issuance of such authority are discussed in the following sections.

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