Anchor: #i1004400

Section 4: Pre-Appraisal Contact

Anchor: #i1004405


The pre-appraisal contact should be a personal meeting. During this meeting, give the property owner information on the overall timing of right of way acquisition, the general type of facility to be constructed, and the appraisal procedure that will follow. However, do not make a commitment to value or make an offer before receiving approved values. Also, use this contact to initially determine existence of the following items:

During pre-appraisal contact, resolve any possible controversy with the property owner by distinguishing between realty being acquired and personalty not being acquired.

Pre-appraisal contact is discussed in TxDOT's ROW Appraisal and Review Manual. Complete form ROW-A-PAC Pre-Appraisal Contact with Property Owners during the pre-appraisal contact.

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