Anchor: #i1002915

Section 12: Submission for Reimbursement of Right of Way Fencing

Anchor: #i1002920

Lump Sum

The LPA's reimbursement request on the firm commitment for right of way fencing (under the supplemental agreement to the project's contractual agreement) must be made on a TxC Payment Request, (see General Payment Policy) and supported by County's or City's Support for TxC Payment Request, on Lump Sum Fencing. Fencing must be completed on the entire project and only one billing per project will be processed, unless more than one agreement is authorized.

Anchor: #i1002932

Actual Cost

If the LPA prefers not to use the firm commitment agreement method for right of way fencing and values for existing fences (or damages for an unfenced condition have not been included in the approved value), the LPA may be reimbursed on the basis of its actual costs instead of entering into the firm commitment agreement. The billing must be made on TxC Payment Requestand supported by a breakdown of the cost of labor, materials, and equipment. If fencing is done by contract, also attach a copy of the successful bid received on a competitive bid basis. Also, support TxC Payment Request by showing:

Fencing reimbursement on the actual cost basis can be made when right of way fencing on a parcel is complete and paid for. The number of fencing submissions should be kept to a minimum by combining as many parcels as possible in each billing.

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