Anchor: #i1002836

Section 11: State Reimbursement for LPA Acquired Right of Way

Anchor: #i1002841

LPA's Requests for Reimbursement

TxDOT should promptly reimburse LPAs under the terms of the contractual agreement. However, all reimbursements must be initiated by a request from the LPA. To verify that all required data is submitted, and to expedite the state's processing of these requests, sample forms are available for the LPA's use in billing the state.

The LPA does not need to complete its acquisitions or expenditures on an entire right of way project before requesting reimbursement. Reimbursement requests may be submitted on one or more parcels, when all reimbursable expenditures (except right of way fencing, and not less than 80 percent of the state's participation of the award on condemned parcels) are included in one billing. It is generally more practical to group several parcels in each request.

Reimbursement submission requirements for various reimbursable items are described in the following sections. Reimbursement requests may be combined into one request when each individual support requirement is fulfilled.

Anchor: #i1002866

LPA Reimbursement Forms

All LPA requests for reimbursement by the state must be billed on a TxC Payment Request. The Department should prepare and review the TxC Payment Request as described in General Payment Policy. The LPA uses form ROW-N-20AB Tabulation of Cost & Request for Reimbursement to show agreement with amount to be reimbursed.

All parcel reimbursements (with the exception of those for LPA right of way fencing) done on an actual cost or lump sum basis must be supported by three copies of form ROW-N-20AB Tabulation of Cost & Request for Reimbursement sent to the ROW Program Office. The form must include ethnic coding to identify the property owner as minority or non-minority according to State Responsibility for Making Payment.

For condemned parcels, support the TxC Payment Request and ROW-N-20AB Tabulation of Cost & Request for Reimbursement with the following uploaded to OnBase:

Support TxC Payment Request for right of way fencing by the LPA by submitting County's or City's Support for TxC Payment Request on Lump Sum Fencing or, County's or City's Support for TxC Payment Request on Actual Cost Fencing to the ROW Program Office.

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