Anchor: #i1007589

Section 6: Environmental Covenant Information

Anchor: #i1007601

Environmental Covenant Information

GCD must approve all environmental covenant language before it is submitted to the TTC for consideration.

Each environmental covenant must include:

    Anchor: #DCAAYCUN
  • A legally sufficient description of the property subject to the covenant,
  • Anchor: #NPGYDJWH
  • A description of the nature of the contamination on or under the property, including the contaminants, the source, if known, and the location and extent of the contamination,
  • Anchor: #QDHXOWOE
  • A description of the activity and use limitations on the property, and
  • Anchor: #AMIBDRGE
  • Any information required by TCEQ and/or a federal agency with approval authority for the affected property corrective action.
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