Section 2: 90-Day Mobile Home Owner-Occupant



A displaced 90-day owner-occupant is entitled to a replacement housing payment, not to exceed $31,000 under Entitlements for Payment Options 90-Day Owner-Occupants, if the person owned a displacement mobile home and occupied it on the displacement site for at least 90 days immediately before the initiation of negotiations; and:

    Anchor: #MBOYPTIL
  • the person purchases and occupies a DSS replacement dwelling within one year after the later of:
      Anchor: #CFCUCBAJ
    • the date the person receives final payment for the displacement dwelling or, in case of condemnation, the date the full amount of the estimate of just compensation is deposited in the court; or
    • Anchor: #AXEIPNKQ
    • the date at least one comparable replacement dwelling was made available to the person; and
  • Anchor: #NPCXFPOM
  • TxDOT acquires the mobile home and/or mobile home site as real property, or the mobile home is not acquired by TxDOT but the owner is displaced because TxDOT determines that the mobile home:
      Anchor: #QFNHWAAM
    • is not and cannot economically be made DSS. Determine the housing payment in these cases by subtracting the trade-in or salvage value of displacee’s mobile home at the acquired site from the probable cost of comparable DSS replacement housing or, if less, the cost to rehabilitate the existing mobile home to DSS standards if practical to do so; or
    • Anchor: #ATSPQESR
    • cannot be moved without substantial damage or unreasonable costs due to structural conditions. Determine this payment the same as for non-DSS housing in preceding; or
    • Anchor: #BYNPHYVM
    • cannot be moved because there is no available comparable replacement site; or
    • Anchor: #OWGNQGKP
    • cannot be moved because it does not meet mobile home park entrance requirements.

If a computed supplement exceeds the $31,000 limit authorized in the preceding subsection, handle the supplement under provisions of Last Resort Housing.

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