Section 3: Minimum Relocation Assistance Advisory Services for Non-Residential Displacees

Anchor: #i999110


For businesses, farms, and NPOs a determination shall be made as to the relocation needs and preferences of each displacee. Additionally, an explanation shall be made of relocation payments and other assistance for which the displacee may be eligible, the related eligibility requirements, and the procedures for obtaining such assistance. This shall include a personal interview with each displacee. At a minimum, interviews with the displaced non-residential owners and operators shall include the following items:

    Anchor: #BITLAUDA
  • The business’s replacement site requirements, current lease terms and other contractual obligations and the financial capability of the business to accomplish the move.
  • Anchor: #YNBHPFBG
  • Determination of the need for outside specialists that will be required to assist in planning the move, effectuating the actual move, and in the reinstallation of machinery or other personal property.
  • Anchor: #AYBFOEFI
  • An identification and resolution of personalty/realty issues. Every effort must be made to identify and resolve personalty/realty issues prior to, or at the time of, the appraisal of the property.
  • Anchor: #DPXSTYVO
  • An estimate of the time required for the business to vacate the site and of the anticipated difficulty in locating a replacement property.
  • Anchor: #PPPQXUHN
  • An identification of any advance relocation payment processing required for the move, and TxDOT’s legal capacity to provide them.
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